3 Toasty Hours of Pie.jpg

3 Hours of Pie


 UberEats partnered with McDonald’s to give away free apple pies for the holidays. But how do you get people to order-in fast food during a season that’s all about from-scratch cooking and family tradition? With a never-ending food-porn spectacular s

UberEats partnered with McDonald’s to give away free apple pies for the holidays. But how do you get people to order-in fast food during a season that’s all about from-scratch cooking and family tradition? With a never-ending food-porn spectacular showing off the Micky Dee’s dessert they’ve always loved.

We created an infinitely loop-able, three-hour piece of content that was part holiday fireplace video send-up, and all mouth-watering apple pie temptation story. Surprise guests couldn’t help but be drawn into our toasty world to taste, nibble or outright nab the continually replenished delectable treats—because unlike smoldering logs, piping hot pies are pretty hard to resist.

In case you don’t have 3 hours spare hours on you right now, here’s a 60 second pie highlight reel. You can always come back and fire up the full version.

  Pie Influencers.  Is that a thing? Um, yeah! Singer Becky G and pop-star sisters Chloe x Halle, showed up for pie and posted teaser clips of their appearances on their social feeds to get their fans pumped for pie and to check out the rest of their

Pie Influencers. Is that a thing? Um, yeah! Singer Becky G and pop-star sisters Chloe x Halle, showed up for pie and posted teaser clips of their appearances on their social feeds to get their fans pumped for pie and to check out the rest of their appearances in the full-length video on YouTube and IGTV.

Infinitely Watchable

Infinitely Watchable

Here’s a link to the full, uncut 3 Hours of Pie, in all it’s steamy, flakey, appley glory. Pull up a fireplace and enjoy. Remember, it’s infinitely loopable. We made sure of it.